Monthly Archives: July 2011

Burn Up The Floor


Introduction to Haley can be summed up by a daydreaming clown who loves to try new things and LOVES to dance! So it was a bit of a surprise it took me this long looking at the website of the ballroom dance studio to decide that today is going to be the day I try it out.

I started going to ballet classes in Feburary, after almost a three year break from dance, and now I think I am strong enough to add another dance day to my schedule. I am also playing with the idea of alternating my Monday dance day between ballroom (American Waltz) and modern dance. I’m hoping both can help me relax, get out of my head and let my body do what I know it can. Would love to feel the freedom in my attitude turns that I feel in my tour jetes. And just maybe one day I can feel the proper extension so I can fly across the floor with my grand jetes! For now the goals of letting go, strengthening my core, working on my arms/hands (probably my greatest weakness), and improving my turnout are enough.

Now for those who make it all possible, my sponsors….. just kidding! Much thanks to my Dad for offering to pay for the ballet lessons and to my mom for offering to pay for the ballroom lessons! I LOVE my parents for SO many reasons! I may be extremely spoiled, but I appreciate everything my parents do for me from the financial help, to the good advice, and all the great memories they have given me. I am the luckiest girl in the world to have not only the best parents, but the best siblings, including the in-laws! Love you all!

And now I leave you with a picture of Polar Bears “dancing”. Enjoy!

*Edit: I must have looked at the schedule wrong for Waltz does not start until the second week of August. Tonight the lessons were Salsa and Foxtrot. I did two classes since the instructor gave me the first one free! 🙂

Intros and Things To Come


Hello Internetz and blog lovers,

My name is Haley. I get distracted easily so don’t expect regular posts, hence the name of the blog. I do love to sew small things and reorganize so I’d imagine you will see a lot of that on blog posts to come. Maybe food related posts as well. Food is practically a religion in my family. There may be some random ramblings or ego stroke type of posts; I won’t lie it might happen. I WILL be stroking the egos of my friends because I am shameless when it comes to giving praise to those I feel deserve it. Feel free to be completely honest with me about my content and even correct my grammar if you wish. Grammar never was a strong point for me.

Project posts to come:

1. Curtains – I have one of four done now. It’s slow process since I am sewing by hand. My mom did help a GREAT DEAL, but more on that later.

2. Cheap and easy fabric baskets – One of three done already

Other points of interest:

1. Praise my friends, cause they are awesome! Maybe I should just make that a bi-monthly thing. Maybe call it “Share The Love”. We will see.

2. Ode to Thrift Stores.

Bare with me as I get this blog thing figured out.

Until next time,
