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Random Internetz


First a conversation with a friend:

D.R.:  Did you know: Cold Fusion has the ability to cache queries so it doesn’t make another trip to the SQL database.

me:  wow, cold fusion, really? So the cold war was all about databases?

D.R.:  ha, right? Cold Fusion is an Adobe product. It’s like PHP everyone in the world hates it.

me:  No, no, I like the idea of starting an internet rumor about the cold war being the brainchild of a maniacal database programmer

D.R.:  Me too, actually.

So remember folks, the Cold War was all the brainchild of a maniacal database programmer, so go forth and spread the word! Mawahahaahahahaha!!!! 😉

In other news, random funny videos!

Crow Starts a Cat Fight

Lion Cub Hugs

If Girls Were Guys – At The Bar

If Girls Were Guys – Dating

Things You Cannot Say About Your Girlfriend

Drunk Cats

Red Panda vs Pumpkin

Dog Fetches Ball In Leaves

Grandpas Shuffling

Four Old Ladies Beat Man – Voicemail

Eight Year Old Prank Call

Four Year Old Taekwondo